How to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

How to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
How to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is a remake of the classic RPG that features a revamped combat system, enhanced graphics, and expanded story. The game follows the adventures of Cloud Strife and his allies as they fight against the evil Shinra Corporation and the mysterious Sephiroth.

One of the main features of the game is the ability to choose your party members from a roster of 10 characters, each with their own skills, abilities, and personalities. However, not all of them are available from the start, and some of them require specific actions or conditions to join your team.

In this article, we will show you how to recruit all party members in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, as well as their roles, strengths, and weaknesses. We will also provide some tips on how to use them effectively in battle.

Cloud Strife

Cloud Strife is the main protagonist of the game and the leader of the party. He is a former SOLDIER, an elite unit of Shinra’s military, who now works as a mercenary for hire. He wields a large sword called the Buster Sword and specializes in physical attacks and sword skills.

Cloud is available from the beginning of the game and is mandatory for most of the story missions. He is a well-balanced character who can deal high damage, tank hits, and use magic. He can also switch between two modes: Operator Mode and Punisher Mode. Operator Mode is his default mode, where he can move and dodge quickly and use normal attacks. Punisher Mode is his offensive mode, where he can unleash powerful attacks and counter enemy strikes, but at the cost of reduced mobility and defense.

Cloud’s Limit Break is Omnislash, a devastating move that unleashes a series of slashes on a single target. He can also use Summons, powerful creatures that aid him in battle, such as Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut.

Barret Wallace

Barret Wallace is the leader of AVALANCHE, a rebel group that opposes Shinra and its exploitation of the planet’s life energy, called Mako. He has a prosthetic arm that can fire bullets and rockets, making him a ranged fighter. He is also a caring father to Marlene, a young girl he adopted after her parents died.

Barret is available from the beginning of the game and is mandatory for some of the story missions. He is a tanky character who can absorb damage, draw enemy attention, and deal high damage from a distance. He can also use magic and support skills, such as healing, buffing, and debuffing. He can switch between two modes: Overcharge Mode and Charge Mode. Overcharge Mode is his default mode, where he can fire normal shots and use his Overcharge ability, which deals heavy damage and fills up his ATB gauge. Charge Mode is his defensive mode, where he can block attacks and use his Charge ability, which restores his Overcharge gauge.

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Barret’s Limit Break is Catastrophe, a powerful move that fires a massive blast of energy at a single target. He can also use Summons, such as Carbuncle, Ramuh, and Leviathan.

Tifa Lockhart

Tifa Lockhart is a childhood friend of Cloud and a member of AVALANCHE. She is a martial artist who fights with her fists and feet, making her a melee fighter. She is also the owner of the Seventh Heaven bar, where she takes care of Marlene and provides a base for the rebels.

Tifa is available from the beginning of the game and is mandatory for some of the story missions. She is a fast and agile character who can deal high damage, combo attacks, and stagger enemies. She can also use magic and support skills, such as healing, buffing, and debuffing. She can switch between two modes: Balanced Mode and Unbridled Strength Mode. Balanced Mode is her default mode, where she can use normal attacks and skills. Unbridled Strength Mode is her offensive mode, where she can use her Unbridled Strength ability, which enhances her attacks and skills, and unlocks new ones.

Tifa’s Limit Break is Dolphin Flurry, a stunning move that unleashes a flurry of punches and kicks on a single target, followed by a dolphin-shaped blast of water. She can also use Summons, such as Chocobo & Moogle, Fat Chocobo, and Cactuar.

Aerith Gainsborough

Aerith Gainsborough is a flower seller who lives in the slums of Sector 5. She is a descendant of the Cetra, an ancient race that can communicate with the planet. She wields a staff and specializes in magic and healing, making her a support fighter.

Aerith is available from Chapter 8 of the game and is mandatory for some of the story missions. She is a fragile but powerful character who can deal high damage, heal allies, and buff the party. She can also use her unique ability, Tempest, which fires a ball of energy that explodes on impact or after a delay, depending on how long the button is held. She can switch between two modes: Normal Mode and Arcane Ward Mode. Normal Mode is her default mode, where she can use normal attacks and skills. Arcane Ward Mode is her magic mode, where she can use her Arcane Ward ability, which creates a circle on the ground that doubles the effect of any spell cast within it.

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Aerith’s Limit Break is Healing Wind, a soothing move that restores a large amount of HP to the entire party. She can also use Summons, such as Chocobo & Moogle, Fat Chocobo, and Cactuar.


Red XIII is a mysterious creature that resembles a red lion with a flaming tail. He is a test subject of Shinra’s mad scientist, Hojo, who experimented on him and gave him a number. He is actually a member of a race called the Beastmen, who have a long lifespan and high intelligence.

Red XIII is available from Chapter 13 of the game and is mandatory for some of the story missions. He is a versatile character who can deal high damage, move quickly, and use magic and support skills. He can also use his unique ability, Lunatic High, which increases his speed and fills up his ATB gauge. He can switch between two modes: Normal Mode and Berserk Mode. Normal Mode is his default mode, where he can use normal attacks and skills. Berserk Mode is his rage mode, where he can use his Berserk ability, which increases his damage and fills up his Limit gauge, but reduces his defense and control.

Red XIII’s Limit Break is Stardust Ray, a dazzling move that summons a meteor shower that hits multiple targets. He can also use Summons, such as Ifrit, Shiva, and Bahamut.

Yuffie Kisaragi

Yuffie Kisaragi is a ninja and a self-proclaimed materia hunter. She is a member of the Wutai clan, a proud nation that resisted Shinra’s invasion and was reduced to a tourist attraction. She is determined to restore her homeland’s glory by stealing materia, the crystallized essence of Mako.

Yuffie is available from Chapter 16 of the game and is optional for some of the story missions. She is a stealthy and agile character who can deal high damage, dodge attacks, and use ranged and melee skills. She can also use magic and support skills, such as healing, buffing, and debuffing. She can switch between two modes: Throwing Mode and Close Combat Mode. Throwing Mode is her default mode, where she can throw her shuriken at enemies and use ranged skills. Close Combat Mode is her melee mode, where she can retrieve her shuriken and use melee skills.

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Yuffie’s Limit Break is All Creation, a devastating move that unleashes a blast of energy that hits all enemies. She can also use Summons, such as Carbuncle, Ramuh, and Leviathan.

Cait Sith

Cait Sith is a robotic cat that rides on a giant stuffed moogle. He is actually a spy for Shinra, who infiltrates the party and helps them in exchange for information. He is controlled by a man named Reeve, who works as the head of Shinra’s urban development department.

Cait Sith is available from Chapter 18 of the game and is optional for some of the story missions. He is a quirky and unpredictable character who can deal moderate damage, tank hits, and use chance-based skills. He can also use magic and support skills, such as healing, buffing, and debuffing. He can switch between two modes: Normal Mode and Lucky Mode. Normal Mode is his default mode, where he can use normal attacks and skills. Lucky Mode is his gamble mode, where he can use his Lucky ability, which randomly activates one of his four skills: Dice, Slots, Roulette, or Megaphone.

Cait Sith’s Limit Break is Slots, a risky move that spins a slot machine that can have various effects, depending on the outcome. He can also use Summons, such as Chocobo & Moogle, Fat Chocobo, and Cactuar.

Vincent Valentine

Vincent Valentine is a former member of the Turks, a special unit of Shinra that handles covert operations. He was betrayed by his former lover, Lucrecia, who used him as a test subject for a project that involved injecting him with the cells of an ancient monster. He was then sealed in a coffin by Hojo, who considered him a failed experiment.

Vincent is available from Chapter 21 of the game and is optional for some of the story