Dragon’s Dogma 2 players planning to kill NPCs in-game

Dragon's Dogma 2 players planning to kill NPCs in-game
Dragon’s Dogma 2 players planning to kill NPCs in-game (image credit CAPCOM)

In the world of Dragon’s Dogma 2, not all battles are fought against fearsome beasts; some are waged against the unsuspecting townsfolk. A unique problem has arisen since the game’s launch on PC, where players are experiencing technical difficulties, particularly with frame rate issues. An unusual solution has emerged from the community: reducing the number of non-player characters (NPCs) in the game by killing them off.

The game places a significant demand on the computer’s central processing unit (CPU), with each NPC consuming a portion of the CPU’s resources. Players have theorized that by eliminating these characters, they could free up CPU capacity, potentially leading to better game performance.

byu/leaveitalone36 from discussion

This notion of targeting NPCs for the sake of performance stems from discussions on Reddit, highlighting the game’s struggle with maintaining a stable frame rate due to the high CPU demand. The objective isn’t to turn the game world into a desolate ghost town but rather to selectively remove NPCs that don’t play a crucial role in the story or gameplay, such as random townsfolk or guards. This strategy aims to preserve essential characters like shopkeepers and quest-givers.

While some players have reported a temporary improvement in frame rate after reducing the NPC population, this solution is far from perfect. Most NPCs in Dragon’s Dogma 2 can be revived after a few in-game days, meaning any performance gains are only temporary. Moreover, eliminating NPCs can disrupt game quests and affect the overall atmosphere of the game world.

An alternative, and perhaps more ethical solution, is the idea of disabling NPCs entirely, a concept proposed by a Reddit user. This approach would reduce CPU load without affecting game quests or the world’s ambiance. As the community continues to explore unique solutions for smoother gameplay, the hope is that Capcom will introduce an official fix, allowing players to enjoy the game without resorting to drastic measures.