Disclaimer for The Rising News


This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions that apply to the use of this site (https://www.therisingnews.com) and all sub-sites that reside under it (collectively, “The Rising News Sites”), by a Subscriber. “Subscriber” means each person who establishes or accesses a connection (“Account”) for access to and use of The Rising News Sites.

Restrictions on Use

The Rising News Sites are owned and operated by The Rising News, a group company of The Rising News Convergence (“the Company”), and contain material derived from the Company, its group companies, various news agencies, and other sources (including content partners). This material is protected by international copyright and trademark laws. Subscribers may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any way any material from The Rising News Sites, including code and software, unless specifically authorized.

By using The Rising News Sites (other than to read this Agreement for the first time), the Subscriber agrees to comply with all the terms and conditions hereof. The right to use The Rising News Sites is personal to the Subscriber and is not transferable to any other person or entity. The Subscriber is responsible for all use of the Subscriber’s Account (under any screen name or password) and for ensuring that all use complies fully with this Agreement. The Subscriber shall protect the confidentiality of their password(s), if any.

The Company reserves the right to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of The Rising News Sites, including, but not limited to, content, hours of availability, and equipment needed for access or use.

Changed Terms

The Company reserves the right to change or modify the terms and conditions applicable to the Subscriber’s use of The Rising News Sites, or any part thereof, or to impose new conditions, including adding fees and charges for use. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately upon notice thereof, which may be given by posting on The Rising News Site, electronic or conventional mail, or any other means by which the Subscriber obtains notice thereof. Any use of The Rising News Site by the Subscriber after such notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by the Subscriber of such changes, modifications, or additions.


The Subscriber is responsible for obtaining and maintaining all telephone, computer hardware, and other equipment needed for access to and use of The Rising News Sites and all charges related thereto.

Subscriber Conduct

The Subscriber shall use The Rising News Sites for lawful purposes only. The Subscriber shall not post or transmit through The Rising News Sites any material that violates or infringes upon the rights of others, is unlawful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, vulgar, obscene, profane, or otherwise objectionable, or that encourages conduct constituting a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability, or otherwise violates any law. The Subscriber shall not use The Rising News Sites to advertise or perform any commercial solicitation, including soliciting users to become subscribers of other online information services competitive with The Rising News Sites.

The Rising News Sites contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information, including text, software, photos, video, graphics, music, and sound. The entire contents of The Rising News Sites are copyrighted as a collective or severable work under applicable copyright laws. The Company and/or its affiliates own or have acquired a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement, and enhancement of such content, as well as in the content original to it. The Subscriber may download copyrighted material for personal use only. Except as otherwise expressly permitted under copyright law, no copying, redistribution, retransmission, publication, or commercial exploitation of downloaded material will be permitted without the express permission of the Company and the copyright owner. In any permitted copying, redistribution, or publication of copyrighted material, no changes in or deletion of author attribution, trademark legend, or copyright notice shall be made. The Subscriber acknowledges that it does not acquire any ownership rights by downloading copyrighted material.

The Subscriber shall not upload, post, or otherwise make available on The Rising News Sites any material protected by copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights without the express permission of the owner of such rights. The Subscriber shall be solely liable for any damage resulting from any infringement of copyrights, proprietary rights, or any other harm resulting from such a submission. By submitting material to any public area of The Rising News Sites, the Subscriber automatically grants, or warrants that the owner of such material has expressly granted